March 23, 2007
The hills are alive! March 23 came quietly as JW turned 40 (!) years old. The view out the front door is much greener now than a few months ago.
JW's vegetable garden grows each day, sometimes by the inch, and we look forward to cucumbers, squash, black-eyed peas, okra, tomatoes, and corn to eat and to swap with our neighbors.

We watched with delight, and a little surprise, as our sandy hillside exploded with bluebonnets, paintbrush, and many other Spring wildflowers. The large oak trees hold wild Mexican Plum trees and Dewberry vines in their midst. With the abundance of water - and soon to ripen fruits and seed - our regular visits by dove, quail, deer, and turkey will surely continue to increase.






Spring showers have filled our stock tank to the brim, and have even caused it to overflow more than once. The dogs run for a swim every chance they get. Blue has even found a way to be "out and about" with the girls since we discovered that attaching him to a tire at the end of a rope slows him down just enough for us to catch up when he takes off on the scent of a trail. And, not to be outdone or left behind, the cats are always ready to follow me for a stroll through the fields with their noses in the flowers.


I am sure too that the horses are glad to see Spring arrive with grass growing toward the sun almost as fast as they can eat it!

Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
March 23, 2007
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