March 03, 2007
We have had one determined little hen who has spent the last month sitting quietly underneath the horse trailer. Only darting out briefly once a day or so for water, her wait is over and the work has begun. She marched out proudly last Friday morning with 12 newly hatched chicks. With quiet clucks and chirps she takes them a little farther out each day to show them around the hillside.

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We had another surprise a couple of weeks ago as we were out in the yard working on fence. There is a wild dog who roams the countryside, typically with a handful of different-aged pups in tow. One of their trails crosses the top of the hill, and she was startled in crossing that day. As she and the litter ran away, one of the little ones must have been left behind. Madra sniffed her out in her hiding place, and soon I was pulling her out from a sticky spot inside of a cactus. I have met a friend at work who would like to adopt her as a first dog for his two young boys. Once I can get her cleaned up and presentable, I am sure that this little Prickly Pear will wiggle her way into a happy family!

We look forward to warm weather on the weekends so that the dogs can go swimming. The water in the pond is just deep enough to make laps. Even Blue jumps into the water and has a great time splashing with the girls.



Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
March 03, 2007
Website designed and developed by Girl Friday Online
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