January 21, 2007
Now, this is why we live in South Texas! Just days after a miserable three-day stint below freezing with ice on everything, we spent the entire day outside soaking up the sun at 70 degrees. It seemed a perfect opportunity to let the cats out of their temporary housing in the oversized dog kennel to spend their first real day as "outside cats." The highway that was just a hundred yards or so from our front door in Blessing prevented this sort of activity before. It seemed there was a dead cat every couple of months on that road, and I couldn't turn our cats loose with that sort of danger. So, they waited for fulfilled promises of living large in the great wide open.



Amelia surveyed the terrain and seemed to find everything in order as she made her rounds. Nicholas strolled through the tall grass, and climbed on everything from JW's equipment to piles of fence posts. He and Baby Girl had great fun in stalking the chickens and then charging into the middle of the flock to make them squawk and fly into the air. I don't think the chickens were quite so amused. The little rooster, Yosemite Sam, will have to take his responsibility of defense more seriously - particularly since an owl carried away one hen from a tree branch just a few days after they all arrived!

Baby Girl finally discovered the remains of a long-abandoned treehouse, and may have found a new hobby for a sunny afternoon.


The horses have a new social life in visiting with the horses next door. There are seven in that field, and three in ours. When all ten catch a wild hair and race down the pasture, the thundering hooves are quite impressive.

Poor Old Blue is certain that there might be a ride toward adventure. While walking down the driveway first thing that morning, we startled six deer from their beds in the front field. It was no easy task to try and convince Blue that we were not going to chase them across the field.


He hollered and bellowed and barked the whole way back to the house, and most certainly had alerted all of the neighbors to the excitement that they had missed early on a Saturday morning. Luckily, nearly everybody around has dogs as well, and there is even another hound just down the hill. They bay at each other and fill the hills with song to their hearts' content.

There was quite a bit more news to be told by all of the dogs one afternoon when four wild hogs ran across the top field. JW said that every dog for a mile must have been barking while those hogs lit a trail over the ridge and through the trees.

I can't exactly say that we lead a "quiet country life," but there's never a dull moment!

Dot takes her job very seriously as the self-appointed warden of all she surveys. And, since we seem to live in an area where gophers abound, they immediately fall into her domain. She busily digs the tops out of the gopher mounds, and pushes her nose into the dirt snorting and snuffling as each new layer is sent flying. This activity soon brings Mascot, who also finds the digging irresistible. Madra much prefers to nap in the sun. Dot and Mascot, however, thoroughly enjoy devastating the yard, and it is hard not to laugh when they really get down to business. Luckily, I do not worry too much about the aesthetics of these craters, and doubt that I will be brokenhearted to find out I am not a candidate for Better Homes and Gardens. I do wonder if this might come in handy when we need holes dug for the fruit trees we would like to plant this Spring.
Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
January 21, 2007
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