October 16, 2004
Girl Friday Field Hand

Ahhh.  I love the smell of cotton dust on a hot afternoon!  And, who needs hand lotion when you have hydraulic oil?  We got the cotton in, and just in time.  In the last couple of weeks, we have received about 10-12 inches of rain that would NOT have been welcome if we were still in the field.  I had a blast running the module builder, and packed the first cotton of the season.  When my first module came out, Milton said I only made one mistake - I didn't leave room for improvement!  I even heard compliments that I was the best hand Jim had ever found to help with the harvest!  On the first day of picking it was so humid, there was a rainbow in the sky - and not a cloud in sight.  There are all sorts of creatures who come running out of the fields when the pickers start moving.  Lots of rabbits, doves, and quail.  And, never to be left out in this part of the world, we killed a total of four huge rattlesnakes.  Based on experience, I practically refuse to believe that they exist any smaller than four feet long.  Whew!  Click on the thumbnails to view full-size pictures.

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Moving the equipment to the field
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Nearly two bales an acre!
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Traffic jam on the turning row

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Michael dumps his basket into the builder

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My "office view" for four weeks
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First module
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Cotton packer extraordinaire
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Long rows
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JW pulls up in the 2-row
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Jim naps in the shade of a tractor tire
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Snakes-Eye View of a John Deere 2- Row Picker
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Sunset on the first day

We have bought another heifer.  Since we took Molly to the sale barn last fall, I told JW that I won't name this one until I know for sure if we're going to keep her!  She and Dillon are fast friends, and eat their oats together every morning.  They even take naps together in the afternoon.  I'm not sure if that heifer thinks she's a horse or not!  Maybe I ought to throw a saddle on and find out...

Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
October 16, 2004
Website designed and developed by Girl Friday Online
Website hosting provided by TXO Unlimited Hosting