February 4, 2003

Aha!!!  Winter is almost over!  I still can’t get over how much rain we’ve been getting down here.  Every time a front blows down from the north, it sucks the moisture in from the Gulf and pours it back down on top of us.  We did have a few storms with cold winds and temperatures in the thirties and forties.  But, I have seen the Indian Paintbrushes start to bloom on the sides of the roads, and there is a purple Saucer Magnolia in full bloom two blocks from my office.

We have had a bit of bad news from the pasture.  It seems that the cow who was due next, Fat Momma Cow, has lost her calf.  A little sad, but sometimes that’s how it goes.  The cow is pretty old, and will probably go to the sale barn this year.  BUT, never fear.  There are little ones EVERYWHERE!!!  Milton’s three are just the ones closest to us.  There are several more right across the road, and many more to be seen on the way to work.  The goats and Barbados sheep have been busy as well.  


But, of course, the best is saved for last.  We drove down to visit Ed and Ruby on Sunday, and found out that their first foal of the year was born last Tuesday.  He is – of course - darling.  A red dun, his baby fuzz is a light tan with an orange-red stripe from the tips of his ears, down his neck and back, to the tip of his tail.  His mane is so new that it only looks like a few red feathers on his neck.  He is a pretty big baby, and looks like he is another week older than he actually is.  We arrived in time to share his second lesson wearing a halter and learning to stand tied while Ruby and I fussed and pet him all over.  He would purse his lips together and pull against the inner tube he was tied to, swishing his tail.  Then he would arch his little neck to get scratched.  This may come as a shock, but I still stand firm in my belief that horses have the most beautiful babies ever born!











I am sending a map to show y’all where in the world we are.  It can be a scavenger hunt to find Blessing, as not every map shows it.

Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
February 4 , 2003
Website designed and developed by Girl Friday Online
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