October 13, 2002

Well, I hear that the weather in Denver is a bit on the chilly side and that the highs this week will be in the thirties…  A couple of the fronts have made it to this part of the country, and we’ve had the windows open for a few days to catch the cool breeze.  I will admit though, I have been wearing shorts during the days and am getting my old suntan back.

Have I mentioned that I forgot just how many bugs are down here?  Whew!  The cats are a little out of practice, but are catching on quickly.  I have declared a crusade against the Fire Ants, and set forth from time to time to pour buckets of soapy water on the ominous mounds.

Our newest project (completed this morning – finally!) is the wire fence for the dogs.  They are still pretty wound up about being here, and were busy helping to set the posts and run the wire for the last couple of days.  The fence consists of three wire strands hooked up to the electric cattle fence.  They are learning – albeit painfully at first – that they can’t run all over the place all of the time.  The yard that they have now is at least five times what they had in Denver, so there is plenty of room for frolicking.  Also, it is covered with thick carpet grass - which is great for rolling.  Poor Mascot has bumped the fence a couple of times today, and is convinced that some sort of monster is following her around and biting her!  Laddie discovered immediately that she can slip underneath the lowest wire without getting shocked and already won’t stay put, so she has been confined back to the horse-trailer for the rest of the day.  She’s pretty stubborn so I guess she’ll learn the hard way.









We have discovered that we have a guest on the property.  Last Saturday, a storm blew in and we got heavy rain all night long.  The next morning, there was a bedraggled cowbird sitting right on the back step.  The glass on the storm door is tinted, so we thought he couldn’t see us.  Amelia came to see what the giggling was about, and walked right up to the window.  Would you believe that the bird and cat sat inches away from each other all morning?  We did find out later that the bird COULD see in from his temporary roost!  After he had spent the entire day on the porch and in the yard, I named him Albert.  Apparently, he has been hanging around the house for three weeks now.  Tropical Storm Faye may have banged him up.  I don’t think he can fly, but he climbs up into a hedge to sleep at night, and spends his days strolling around the yard and pasture eating crickets.  When we are out in the yard - dogs and all –he just watches the activity.

So, that’s some of the excitement from the farm.  It’s hard to believe we’ve been here less than two weeks!

Copyright © Tracy Shiflett
October 13, 2002
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